The Apartment Guy℠, Bruce Petersen, is a best selling author and syndicator of large multi-family properties throughout Central Texas ranging in size from 48-292 units. He was awarded the Austin Apartment Association’s Independent Rental Owner of the Year for 2016 and the National Apartment Association’s Independent Rental Owner of the Year for 2017 as well as Think Realty’s Multifamily Investor of the Year 2019.
Bruce targets stabilized properties where he can buy a cash-flowing asset and drive value through building “community” and improved operations.

He is able to do this by implementing his proven systems and deploying his experienced staff to replicate his business model across
the new acquisitions.

In this episode, Bruce talks about the pressures of investing in real estate, what to expect when you do, and the mindset necessary for success. We’ll also be discussing how Bruce is able to directly impact his community through his work – benefiting everyone involved. Lastly, what is it like working with a significant other? Learn the importance of defining each players’ role.

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